
All Cats Are Added Except:

Mystery (Chilepanda)-I added Mystery but the image wouldn't work so I substituted one for you, if you do not like it please tell me and I will be happy to change it for you if you give me a different link.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Taking a Break or Leaving

Well I am taking a break from blogger, one because many people aren't coming on my blogs anymore. And also because I am going to be focusing a lot on school for now. I will come back onto blogger in about a month or two, or maybe if my blogs get more joiners and followers but until then, you may still comment on my blogs, but I will not be here to do anything.

There have been a lot of great people that I have met over blogger, and I would like to mention them quickly here, so that they know they have made a difference for me.

Thunderstar-You have been there for me since my first successful blog, on Weebly, called WaterClan. Even when I am being a brat you were there and never really got mad. We had our fights and we always worked them out. Thanks for the great friendship

Chilepanda-Your so nice and understanding, all the time. We never really had a conversation that wasn't about blogs, but you know, you were still a great friend that I will miss if I don't come back.

Amber-You are so fun and a great blogger. Thanks for being on my blogs and being my friend. I will miss you a lot too.

Thats about it. I will be opening a new blogger account, however, that will be all about LIFE. It won't be about blogger but other things that I like.

Thanks for reading.